Saturday, February 28, 2009

Book Review: The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul

"If we want to live in a free society, we need to break free from these artificial limitations on free debate and start asking serious questions once again. . . These ideas cannot be allowed to die, buried beneath the mind-numbing chorus of empty slogans and inanities that constitute official political discourse in America.
This is why I wrote this book"

A call to Liberty, and a return to reason are the main themes of this Manifesto. Texas congressman and 2008 presidential candidate, Ron Paul, writes the story of American politics today and how the founding principles of liberty have all but been forgotten. The book is more than just a campaign manifesto... it's the manifesto for Liberty and Truth. Before I drool anymore on it, I'll go into some of the key points Dr. Paul addresses.

Foreign Policy:
Dr. Paul goes into the Constitutionality of our foreign policy, the enormous cost of our military-industrial complex, and the whole theory of "blow-back" and its ties into the 9-11 attacks. He provides ample history without getting dry and points out how if we cut just half of our military budget it would provide $500 billion in funds.

The Constitution:
The most important document in American history, the Constitution is the groundwork for liberty and we have all but disregarded it. Dr. Paul discusses the blatant lack of respect our politicians have for this document and how it is ruining our country.

Economic Freedom:
Perhaps the most important subject for our current situation, this chapter outlines how having a free-market economy--as opposed to our heavily regulated, government intervened economy--would greatly improve our standard of living and how we would never have had a financial collapse such as in 2008. He also addresses the issues of Social Security and Healthcare, and how we should deal with these pressing issues.

Civil Liberties and Personal Freedom:
"Our Constitution was written to restrain government, not the people" It seems more and more that we answer to the government, and it refuses to answer to us. Personal freedom is indivisable and every person is "entitled" to nothing, except what we earn ourselves--and no person (especially the government) has no right to take from what we earn by force. If we refuse freedom in exchange for government control we will never get it back. This is not a political issue, it truly is a human issue.

Ron Paul is the reason I became awake to the struggle for Liberty confronting us today. This book will serve as a guide for generations to come as truth on how government and society should act. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the proper role of government and the Freedom Movement. Furthermore join the Campaign for Liberty by following the link of the right to support the growing movement. Long live Freedom!

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