Friday, February 27, 2009

White House Releases Monstrous Budget

White House delivers $3.6 Trillion Budget to Congress

In a time where everyone is forced to spend less in order to effectively deal with the current economic crises, Washington has decided to cut loose with one of the largest federal budgets in history. The budget includes plan for increased health care benefits, shifting the energy economy from oil and gas, and boosting federal aid to education. But, some good news is Obama is committed to taking the troops out of Iraq... by sending them straight to Afghanistan (he's still keeping his promise right?). So much for "increased diplomacy". Where is all the money for this budget going to come from?? Higher Taxes on those "plenty of rich people" Barney Frank hates so much.

It's all part of "trickle-up" Keynesian Economic thinking politicians have fallen in love with: simply put, by giving money to the lowest class they will in turn immediately spend the money, business will have more profits and hire more people, more people have jobs so they spend more money, and so on. Problem is in order for the government to give the lower classes money they need to take it from somewhere: the upper and middle classes. Don't get me wrong, I think everyone deserves a tax break. Everyone. For god's sake half the country doesn't even pay income tax! No, the problem is not the rich have to much money--the problem is the government has too much power. It is the only entity to have positive growth last year, the highest employer last year, and with no coincidence, the biggest debtor in World History.

The government has become the dead beat junkie relative, always needing just a little more money, then he'll sober up. But if you don't hand over your money he won't survive, so he says. The thing is you have the choice to not give your dead beat relative money, but with the government they don't give you a choice. There is never a choice with the government, they hold all the power and can force you to do anything. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with a single thing the government does... you still have to pay your taxes or face the penalty. The worst, and saddest, part of it all is people actually believe the government isn't a dead beat, but rather they see Salvation. But the reality is, no matter how much you want to believe and hope--2+2 will always = 4... even if the government says its 5.

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