Friday, March 13, 2009

The 9-12 Project: Rebuilding America

I have been following the Glenn Beck program for oh… about a year now, and have enjoyed the commentary of the host, Beck. His common sense, no bull attitude towards major issues appealed to me in a way. Anyways, he recently moved from CNN Headline News to Fox News and his show is already one of the most viewed on the air. His show today was a special with a studio audience entitled "We Surround Them". The theme was that the government, media, and everyone else are not the real ones in control... we are, and there are people who believe in the principles and values that our country was founded on. I found the show inspiring because I actually felt connected to thousands of people I had never met but who shared in the same frustrations and hopes I had of this country. Glenn's call to everyone was to become the country we were on 9-12-2001 -- the day after 9-11 when we all stood together as Americans -- and forget about all the political parties and little games we play in Washington; the games that are destroying our country and ripping it apart. There's a website put up where people can connect and discover the principles and values our country was founded on and hopefully a grassroots movement can get started in getting our country back. I seriously feel like a Patriot in the Sons of Liberty movement started by Samuel Adams before the Revolutionary War. I'm ready to fight for this country, but more importantly I'm ready to fight for Liberty and Freedom for all people. I hope anyone who reads this feels the same.

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