Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Am So Fed Up... Why Aren't You!?

*Disclaimer* -- This is a rant, read with caution --

I really am fed up. I don't know how much more I can take. It seems every single day I am utterly amazed at the complete bullshit that comes from Washington. I can't count how many times I have said "this is ridiculous", only to have to repeat myself the next day. I'm so fed up at the obvious lack of common sense prevalent in our politicians, our media, our schools, and our country. I am so fed up at being called "radical" or having "interesting ideas". I am especially fed up with the complete lack of interest and knowledge shown by almost all of my peers.

I just don't understand why issues I find so vitally important to my future and our country's future go unnoticed by the vast majority of today's youth. So many people my age were so eager and excited to be involved in politics for the first time--especially when it came to Obama-- but trying asking them their stance on a particular policy or viewpoint I was met with a rather blank stare, or more directly, a honest "I don't really know". I don't know... but I have an opinion on it. I don't know but I'll cast my vote for him because I have to right? I mean... I can't vote for that other guy!

I guess I can't blame my generation that much. We are products of the culture around us. A culture that idolizes short-term pleasure and cannot plan any further than the weekend. We hold childhood beliefs, yet conform to the latest trends, never really decided on what we actually believe but rather letting our emotions guide our actions. We easily profess faith in leaders who promise everything, and disregard those who promise nothing they cannot do or should do.

Of course, many will say they aren't quite as shallow as I suggest, and they are correct. It's not so much that we're shallow but that we really aren't anything. We don't like to study things or take a particular stance that may be considered "out of the norm" because we like to fit in; "don't rock the boat" we are told, leave such issues to adults.

Well the adults fucked up... big time. I have lost all respect for any leader responsible for getting us into this situation, then having the audacity to tell us how to fix it. I refuse to let myself listen to the rhetoric one day longer, the lies, and broken promises have been spoken one to many times. Everyday I just want to scream at my tv, at the talking heads on the talk shows, at the corrupt politicians who make the situation worse everyday, at the mindless sheep who believe everything they are told without an oz. of mental effort put into really understanding it. But hey, why the hell do I care so much? There's nothing I can do about it right? Life's to short to be stressed out...

Well, I do care. I haven't cared about anything quite as much as this, and to ignore it would be an insult to my intelligence. These aren't irrelevant issues--they affect my life and the lives of everyone. I can't just sit still--or worse ignore--these people who are deciding things that will affect how I live my life. Damnit! Only I should be able to make those kind of decisions. I don't want some asshole in Washington who knows nothing about me telling me how to live my life!

People... wake up! Seriously, you have no excuses anymore. Research, discuss, debate, learn, admit when you don't know something, have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, and even more important, have the courage to actually put your belief in something. These are extraordinary times we are living in. Stop watching history and take an active part in it. You only have one life on earth... are you going to let the forces around you control your life? Or do you have the strength to determine your own path? I hope you do.

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