Monday, September 7, 2009

Michael Moore's New Movie Misses Point (once again)

How many movies is this guy going to make where he totally misses the big picture? In his latest release, documentary star Michael (theres no way I'm paying for his fat ass's health care) Moore tackles the "evil" system of Capitalism in "Capitalism: A Love Story". However, Moore focuses more on Fascism than Capitalism but hey, they're just terms right?

Wrong. With Moore focusing on the recent billion dollar bailouts he exposes not the evils of Capitalism, but the evils of Fascism. Fascism is the unholy alliance of big business with big government, resulting in Wall St. essentially owning Washington. The men with the money controlling the men with the guns. This is not free-market Capitalism, this is a failure of government. Moore should attack the enabler, not the enabled. Peter Schiff has a brilliant anaolgy summing this up:

"If a kindergarten school teacher leaves the classroom and gives the kids pixie sticks and soda pop and when the teacher comes back and sees the classroom wrecked and all the kids have gone wild, who are you going to blame?"

The point is that greed will not simply disappear with more regulation, more control, and more intervention. Combining the greed of money in Wall St. with the greed of power in Washington you do not cancel out greed, but exponentially increase its effects. I wholehearted agree with Moore when he claims AIG, Goldman Sachs, and the rest stole from the taxpayer, but it was only through the force of government we had our money stolen from.

Moore misses the point in this movie as he did in his last movie, SICKO, in that he attacks what he claims are "free-market failures" but what are in reality the effects of bad government policies. It's amazing how people can attack an ideology by simply blaming all the problems of theirs on it. Guess it works when you have a nation of sheep willing to listen to anyone with catchy slogans and entertaining "documentaries".

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