Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Blog Up

Hey all (meaning me)

I have a new blog up documenting my internship experience at the Heritage Foundation at so check it out if you want.

As for my personal thoughts about the internship: First of all I'm extremely happy to get an internship this semester (especially one that pays its interns). I'm also happy to get one at one of the more well known political think-tanks in D.C. for that all important resume booster. Second of all being in Washington at this time will be quite insane with Health Care, Afghanistan, and "Climate Change" all being hotly debated (well I hope Afghanistan becomes more debated actually. How the Left can protest madly when its Bush than shut up fast when its Obama is hypocrisy at its worst, but I digress). Thirdly, I'm hoping this internship will give me some real direction for future career ambitions. I'm very passionate about politics but have no desire to make it a career. I'd much rather do something in property management/development, but I don't know if its more important for me to fight for what I really believe in before I see our country (and world) fall apart. Only time and reflection will help me out.

Anyways, I hope to get back to my early days of blogging where I would post at least once a day. I've been quite lazy but think I'll be able to enter a good routine while on my internship. I've done a bit of writing on a few subjects this summer but they are much too long to post on a blog.

Check out the new blog soon, and I'll be writing soon.

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