Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

It has been quite awhile since my last post. I've been lazy, and the people have responded (by people I mean myself because no one actually reads this blog). Well, I plan to start writing again, if for nothing just so I can work on my writing skills and explore my ideas through this medium.

I have begun applying for a Fall internship. So far I've just sent an application to the Cato Institute and I hope they accept me since thats my #1 choice. They are the foremost institute when it comes to Libertarian studies, and I know I could learn a lot from their researchers. My desire is to not just have these ideas about free markets, individualism, and so on -- I want to be able to empirically prove to people that these ideas work and present the evidence. Working at the Cato Institute I hope will provide me with a head start into such ventures.

I'm still torn however when it comes to what I want as a career. I still want to be involved in the business world, especially in resort/property development, but I feel such a call to activism that I have to pursue it somehow. I figure that if I devote most of my early career to research in economics and activism, it will allow me in the future to pursue my other interests such as development. You gotta follow your heart, and I can't ignore this passion within me. I hear all the time "Why do you care so much? You cannot change anything." And I'll admit, I feel that way sometimes. But if I do nothing, I'll have no right to object to what happens. If I do try, then at least I can say I gave it my all in the fight for a better world. Hell, I'm young; this is what we do right?

Maybe I'm wrong about everything. Maybe I'm only partially correct. But no one can ever know the absolute about anything, only try and get as close as possible to it. The point is we always need to be striving for that absolute, the unreachable perfection. It's what drives us to a better world, a better people, a better self. I don't think it actually exists--its just an idea. But what a powerful idea it is. All I want is for us as humans to realize the importance of reaching for that unattainable height, that unreachable precipice . We can always be better, we can always improve ourselves and our world. Not that we should lose ourselves entirely in this endless pursuit--we have to enjoy progress as it's made--but we should never settle. This should not depress us, feeling as if what we do is never good enough, but rather it should excite us to realize the boundless potential we posses. My hope is that I can live in a world where the only person who can hold you back is yourself. A world that encourages action and growth, not dependancy. It's not that hard to imagine. As John Lennon wrote, "It's easy if you try".

**Sorry for getting so philosophical, but it has been awhile since I've written**

1 comment:

  1. Well said Dave, I feel like you should follow your heart, and do what you want to do.
