Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Third Eye Blind In Albion!!!

Ahhhh I can't believe it but Third Eye Blind is playing tonight in our dear little Albion College. The best is that it's free! Every year the school sets aside a large amount of money in order to bring one large artist or comedian at the end of the year. When I first saw the signs for the event I got the stupidest grin on my face. I have been a HUGE fan of Third Eye Blind for about 10 years now but have never seen them in concert. I still maintain that "Motorcycle Drive By" is one of the all time greatest songs written. Anyways, the show is in about an hour and I hope it's as amazing as the songs. "the four right chords can make me cry..."

1 comment:

  1. nice bro, enjoy the show they are great. i saw them when a was a wee lad not much younger than you
