Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tea Parties? Tea-baggers? Whats All the Fuss About?

Last Wednesday there was a bunch of "Tea" Parties in cities across the country. I was not apart of any, since I was golfing, but greatly wished to go to one. I did do my own personal part, writing up a short "Federal Government Fact Sheet" outlining the size of the national debt, future obligations, and the nature of the federal reserve. I didn't leave my name or anything because I didn't want people judging the facts on preconceived connotations. Much like the MSM (Mainstream Media) has labeled these Tea Parties as "Right-Wing, Conservative" posturing. This makes me frankly, a little pissed off. Not so much at the MSM, but at the Republicans.

What's really going on? The Republicans are simply jumping on the bandwagon of anti-big government spending and control. These Parties are not about taxes, they are about BIG-government. If the Republicans had any intelligence they would realize they are just to blame as the Democrats currently in office. Here's a great video of a Republican Congressman being booed as he tries to speak at a South Carolina Tea Party. This is exactly what we need: anger, frustration, and a large crowd. Enough with the politics of old. It's time for real action, and REAL change. The Republicans and Democrats are not at opposite sides of the political spectrum, they are both on the far left. Let me explain.

The Political Spectrum is presented the following way. On the left you have Liberalism: freedom in personal choices but highly regulated business. The extreme to the left is Socialism. On the right you have Conservatism: highly regulated personal choices but freedom in business. The extreme to the right is Fascism. However we see the problem being that the two extremes are really two names for the same thing: Totalitarianism, complete governmental control. The way to remedy this seeming conflict is to re-imagine what the political spectrum is. Instead of liberal vs. conservative, we place total government control on the left and zero government control on the right. Modern liberalism and conservatism would lie near the middle-left on this spectrum.

So now that we see that the two "competing" ideologies in our country are really much more similar than we imagine them, we should start looking at other options. Libertarianism offers a real change to these failing ideologies. Libertarianism says we should have no regulations on personal behavior (drugs, prostitution, religion, etc) and no regulations on business (no central bank, no SEC, no IRS). Basically, NO government, the far right of the new political spectrum. It truly is the only way to bring about real change in our country today. We have to start realizing that our problems lie not in greed, lack of regulation, crooked banksters, etc.; but that government causes all these problems to manifest into the financial disasters we are experiencing today. I will try to address specific ways this is true in future posts.

So the tea parties were a start. A start to a hopefully growing sense of resentment at our government. Enough with the current conservative, republican calls to a "limited" government. Don't you realize there will never exist such a paradigm? Government will always grow out of its restraints, and become large once again. I believe that the only way to really fix our problems is to purge the source of the disease, the State.

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